2011年04月27日 17:30


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英国の調査会社ヴィジョンゲイン社 (Vigiongain)は、2011年から2021年までの世界主要8ヶ国/地域におけるシェールガス市場を分析・予測した「シェールガス市場調査 2011-2021年 - The Shale Gas Market 2011-2021」を出版しました。


- アルゼンチン
- オーストラリア
- カナダ
- 中国
- インド
- EU: ポーランド、英国、オランダ、ドイツ、オーストリア、フランス - ウクライナ
- 米国
TABLE OF CONTENTS ※詳細な目次はデータリソースウェブページをご高覧ください。

1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction to the Shale Gas Market
3. The Global Shale Gas Market 2011-2021
4. Leading National Shale Gas Markets
5. SWOT Analysis of the Shale Gas Market 2011-2021
6. Technologies in the Shale Gas Market
7. Expert Opinion
8. Leading Companies in the Shale Gas Market
9. Conclusions
10. Glossary

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Horizontal Drilling
Table 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydraulic Fracturing
Table 3.1 Global Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($bn, AGR %)
Table 3.2 Global Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.1 Leading National Shale Gas Markets Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.2 The US Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($bn, AGR %)
Table 4.3 The US Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.4 The Canadian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.5 The Canadian Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.6 The Chinese Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.7 The Chinese Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.8 The EU Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.9 The EU Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.10 The Indian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.11 The Indian Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.12 The Australian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.13 The Australian Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.14 The Ukrainian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.15 The Ukrainian Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 4.16 The Argentinean Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m, AGR %)
Table 4.17 The Argentinean Shale Gas Market Forecast CAGR (%) 2011-2021, 2011-2016, and 2016-2021
Table 5.1 SWOT Analysis of the Shale Gas Market 2011-2021
Table 6.1 Known Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Schematic Geology of Natural Gas Resources
Figure 2.2 Worldwide Shale Gas Resources by Region (Tcf)
Figure 2.3 Schematic of the Hydraulic Fracturing Process
Figure 3.1 Global Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($bn)
Figure 3.2 Carbon Dioxide Emissions for Major Oil & Gas Fuels (Kg Co2 per million Btu)
Figure 3.3 Worldwide Natural Gas Consumption Forecast 2007-2035 (trillion ft3)
Figure 3.4 US Natural Gas Prices (Wellhead) 1980-2010 ($/1000ft)
Figure 4.1 Leading National Shale Gas Markets Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.2 Breakdown of Marginal National Shale Gas Markets Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.3 Leading National Shale Gas Markets Forecast CAGR 2011-2021, 2011-2016, 2016-2021 (%)
Figure 4.4 Leading National Shale Gas Market Share 2011 (%)
Figure 4.5 Leading National Shale Gas Market Share 2016 (%)
Figure 4.6 Leading National Shale Gas Market Share 2021 (%)
Figure 4.7 The US Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($bn)
Figure 4.8 US Shale Gas Production 2007-2009 (trillion ft3)
Figure 4.9 US Shale Gas Plays Map
Figure 4.10 The Canadian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.11 The Chinese Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.12 Chinese Conventional and Unconventional Gas Production, and Natural Gas Consumption Forecast 2007-2035 (trillion ft3)
Figure 4.13 The EU Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.14 The Indian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.15 The Australian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.16 The Ukrainian Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 4.17 The Argentinean Shale Gas Market Forecast 2011-2021 ($m)
Figure 5.1 Worldwide Natural Gas Consumption & Production, and Unconventional Gas Production Forecast 2007-2035 (Trillion ft?)
Figure 5.2 Worldwide CO2 Emissions by Fuel Type 1971-2008 (million tonnes)
Figure 5.3 Greenhouse Gases and Harmful Emissions; Coal and Natural Gas Compared (ppm)


◆英国市場調査会社 ヴィジョンゲイン社 (Vigiongain)社について



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