2020年09月02日 15:00

2020年9月4日、「うだつの町並み」徳島県美馬市に1881年築の民家を改装したホテルがグランドオープン。 A new hotel will be open on September 4, 2020.

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株式会社MIMAチャレンジ(本社:徳島県美馬市脇町、代表:片岡久議)は、2020年9月4日、「うだつの町並み」として知られる徳島県美馬市脇町に、明治14(1881)年に建てられた古民家を改装したホテル「PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI(ペイサージュ モリグチ)」を開業します。

MIMA Challenge Co., Ltd (Head Office: Wakimachi, Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture,Representative Director: Hisanori Kataoka) will open PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI, a new hotel in a renovated private house built in 1881 in Wakimachi, Mima City,Tokushima.
このにし阿波の地に伝えられた歴史と文化を今に繋ぐ場所として、この地に誕生したホテルが「PAYSAGE ORIGUCHI」です。
「PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI」という名称は、フランス語で「風景」を意味する「paysage(ペイサージュ)」という言葉に由来しています。その語源は、Payという地方、里という意味の言葉に、人の手の入った、という意味のsageという言葉を組み合わせたものと言われています。長い歴史を持つ美馬市脇町の風景は、英語のランドスケープ(自然の風景)とは異なり、巧みな人間の手が入ることで作り出された景観という点で、「paysage」という言葉がふさわしいと考えました。

During the Edo period, udatsu were widely used as decorative fire walls on the roofs of merchant houses in the Kinki (west-central Honshu) area. To have fine udatsu was a demonstration of prosperity and wealth for the family. Wakimachi, prospered as a merchant town and has survived through the ages with various historical transitions since its origins is known for the former residences of families who thrived in indigo and sericulture; kimono merchants and various other forms of commerce.
In 1988, the Udatsu Streetscape was designated as a National Preservation District for Traditional Buildings, and in 2007, it was selected as one of "100 Beautiful Japanese Historical Landscapes". "PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI" will be open at this place where the history and culture of Nishi-awa transmitted to the present.
PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI comes from the word "paysage" in French, which means "landscape." The etymology is a combination of the word Pay, which means the region and village with the word sage where a person's hands have intervened. Unlike the English landscape (natural scenery), the scenery of Wakimachi, Mima city with a long history, is created by the skillful human hands.
「PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI」の位置する徳島県美馬市脇町は、鎌倉時代中期以降に築かれ、戦国武将三好長慶らが整備したといわれる脇城の城下町として様々な歴史的変遷を経ながらも、商人の町として繁栄してきました。
「PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI」は、その隆盛ぶりを伝える歴史的な建築物の一つである森口邸を、人々が集う場所としてリノベーションを施し、わずか5室のホテルとして再生したものです。「地域文化を感じる体験の提案」をコンセプトに、良質な寝具、シンプルなアメニティセレクション、知性を感じるライブラリーなどを備えています。


Wakimachi, where PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI is located, prospered as a merchant town, and has survived through the ages with various historical transitions since its origins since its origins as Waki Castle, built in mid Kamakura period and thrived under a warlord Nagayoshi Miyoshi.
PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI is a historic building that conveys the prosperity of Moriguchi familiy, renovated as a hotel with only 5 rooms. Based on the concept of "proposing an experience that makes the guests feel local," the hotel is equipped with collages and artworks by contemporary artists, high-quality bedding, simple amenity selection, and an intelligent library.
We aim to propose Culture Tourism by creating new value for people who visit this area by deepening their contact with the culture of the land through staying this hotel.
「PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI(ペイサージュ モリグチ)」施設概要
所在地: 徳島県美馬市脇町大字脇町148-4
電話: 0883-52-1578(5/25~)
HP: https://www.mima-moriguchi.jp
客室数: 5室(2名定員3室、4名定員2室)
客室面積: Room 1(2名定員)31m2
Room 2(2名定員)32m2
Room 3(2名定員)39m2
Room 5(4名定員)41m2
Room 6(4名定員・和洋室)41m2
宿泊料金: 1泊1名15,000円より(2名1室ご利用時 消費税・サービス料別 予定)

“PAYSAGE MORIGUCHI” facility overview

Address: 148-4A Oaza Wakimachi, Wakimachi,
Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture
Telephone: 0883-52-1578(5/25~)
HP: https://www.mima-moriguchi.jp
Number of guest room:
5 rooms (3 rooms for 2 persons: 2 rooms for 4 persons,)
ROOM 1 Capacity: 2 people, 31m2
ROOM 2 Capacity: 2 people, 32m2
ROOM 3 Capacity: 2 people, 39m2
ROOM 5 Capacity: 4 people, 41m2
ROOM 6 Japanese-Western room, Capacity: 4 people, 41m2
All rooms are equipped with bathroom (with a bathtub) / toilet (with a bidet)
/ Terrace / Wi-Fi available. All rooms are non-smoking.
Room rates: from 15,000 yen per person (tentative)
代表者: 片岡 久議
設立: 平成30年5月22日
資本金: 2,000,000円

About MIMA Challenge Co., Ltd.
108, Oaza Wakimachi, Wakimachi, Mima City,
Tokushima Prefecture 〒779-3610
Representative Director: Hisanori Kataoka
Established May 22, 2018
Company capitalized at 2,000,000 yen


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